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It all started back in 1784.

The first inhabitants of the islands Risvær was Christopher Bernhoft. He came in the late 18th century and lived there with his sister Agnethe Bernhoft.

Andreas Jonassen Falch bought the place in 1802.

A favorable location in relation to Lofoten fishing made the fish processing companies on the islands a natural place to hand over the catch. The jobs that were created led to a gradual increase in the population over the 19th century - and at the end of the 19th century.

Risvær became an important hub in the district. However, the number of permanent residents was never large compared to larger fishing villages in Lofoten. Risvær was first and foremost a seasonal fishing village with few permanent residents, but with many fish receptions.

In 1901-1902, Risværkjeila was dredged at the expense of the state and the islands were eventually connected to the power and telephone network through submarine cables. In comparison, Risøyrenna was first dredged up in 1922. The telegraph came to Risvær in 1925.




In 1901-1902, Risværkeila was dredged up at the state's expense and the islands were eventually connected to the power and telephone network through submarine cables. "Taleboksen", which was the early name of Telefonkiosken, came in 1925. Risvær was a well-kept fishing village that reached its golden age in the 1920s and 1930s at the same time as Lofoten fishing was at its greatest.

At the height of the fishing season these years, at least 400 boats must have been at Risvær alone, a number that should have made it possible to walk barefoot over Keila. In 1931, which was possibly the peak year, during the Lofoten fishing, 50 merchant vessels, 500 motor vessels and 300 open vessels visited during the season and with 431 boats at the same time at most.

At the Norwegian Fisheries Inspectorate's survey on 22 March 1931, there were 1416 fishermen and 406 boats registered present.

Risvær first received water supply through the "state well" while the municipal water supply came as late as 1973 through a sea pipeline.




Rorbu is a seasonal home for fishermen, often located in a fishing village. Fishermen's cabins were especially important at the time when fishing was driven from open boats, and the fishing boat did not have room to also be used as a residence. A fisherman's cabin included beds for a boat team, space for cooking and rooms to store all necessary utensils and other equipment. The fisherman's cabin was located on land, but close to the sea. It was important that equipment could be lifted straight from the boat and into the house. Fishermen's cabins are still used today by shark fishermen who participate in Lofoten fishing. The fisherman's cabins in the fishing villages could belong to the fishermen themselves, or they could belong to the owner. Fishermen's cabins and fishing villages were linked to the large regular seasonal fisheries, primarily to fishing for cod from Sunnmøre and northwards.

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